Monday, November 11, 2013


For my last twelve days in camp I was driving a 740 CAT truck. Sometimes dumping my load required that I back up using mirrors. It is impossible to look out the back window of the truck to back up because of the huge 40 ton capacity box. Mirrors are the only way to back up this big truck. The problem is that mirrors give a very limited view of what is back there. To give you an idea of what I can see from my cab as I am backing up see the picture below. Notice that in the middle of the picture are two mirrors (you can also see the reflection of other vehicles in the glass and another rock truck ahead of me, but ignore that). The large mirror is for close range viewing and the small mirror for a longer, broader view. But you can see how limited the scope of vision is and how hard it is to assess distances.

This next picture is the same view as above standing by my mirrors using my eyes (actually I would see even more than this picture shows with my eyes). Notice how much more panoramic and clear I can see and how much easier to assess distances.

Paul said in  1 Corinthians 13.12 "For now we see in a mirror dimly,  but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known". Hang in there brothers and sisters the full panoramic view of our salvation will soon be upon us.

Sometimes when I try to back up with my mirrors I get so disorientated I do not know where I am in relation to where I need to dump my load. I have to stop, step out of my cab and physically look back and get re-orientated.

The Word of God is so very important to me because it daily provides that eternal re-orientation that guides me through the day. For now we see in a mirror dimly but then face to face. I have goose bumps and tears in my eyes as I type these words. Take some time today to think about the fullness of your coming salvation. It will brighten your day.

Let's put up with the mirrors of our present sinful flesh, our worldly circumstances and the limits of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Clarity is promised and is coming. I can't see face to face now but until that day arrives I will "drive with my mirrors clean and aligned". What an amazing life with God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord we have been given the privilege to live.

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