Monday, August 10, 2015


I hope that prayer for the lost is a regular part of your daily life. I was having coffee with a dear brother and sister in the Lord and was encouraged by seeing a copy of Operation World on their coffee table. Pray for the world on a daily basis through Operation World. Operation World books are available through WEC in Hamilton.

The Joshua Project is also a great resource. Under <Pray> click <unreached of the day> and then <subscribe> and have a people group sent to your email every day for prayer.

I really wrote to thank you for your continued prayer for Guyana. The churches we are working with are having 3 evangelistic crusades this week and sent a request for us to pray for them. We have been asked to hold some crusades during our two weeks in October. We now have a team of 16 for our trip in October. There is still time to join us!

Here are a few prayer requests for Guyana: 1) Unity among the Christian churches and believers 2) The good works of  Christians will have an impact on society at every level 3) The churches will have a solid base in God's Word 4) Many hearts from different faith backgrounds will be open to God's Good News in Jesus Christ 5) Tribal people in the jungles of the south will be reached by those who are going into the jungle to speak to them 6) Continued preparations, travel, health and safety.

Again thank you for praying for Guyana, for your neighbors and for the world.

Prayer is an act of faith.
Prayer is an act of obedience.
Prayer is an act of worship.
Prayer is an act of warfare.
Prayer is an act of sacrifice.
Prayer is an act of labor.
Prayer is an act of love.