Tuesday, October 29, 2013


When you think about it, most things have a standard that needs to be met. Sometimes not meeting the standard is not a big deal. Like when you are not tall enough to get on a ride or you do not have enough cash on hand to buy that delicious doughnut. But at other times not meeting the standard is more costly. Like failing grade 6 (does anybody actually fail these days) or exceeding the speed limit and getting a big ticket or failing your emission test.

We have standards to meet at the airstrip as well. To have the airstrip level we need to add or remove clay to reach a certain standard which is called grade. When gravel is put on the clay to provide a smooth finish for the planes to land there is another grade to be met. Imagine trying to land an airplane on an airstrip that ignored grade.

All over the airstrip there are grade stakes to mark the standard that needs to be met.

Some of these stakes require clay or gravel to be removed. That is a cut stake marked with a blue ribbon and the amount to be removed written on the side.

Some are fill stakes with a pink ribbon to mark the fill level and the amount of fill written on the side.

 But there are also those stakes that make the grade. They are marked with a blue and pink ribbon together and 0-0 written on the side of the stake. (ERW stands for edge of runway). This part of the runway is justified, that is declared right in relation to the standard.

 Justified, I so love that Bible truth and the reality it brings in relation to God. Declared right with God. The greatest lie on earth is that we can work to make the grade and earn justification with God. One of my favorite handout booklets is "God Does Not Grade on a Curve". The great truth is that we are all sinners in need of God to justify us through Jesus Christ. Jesus took the punishment our sins deserved so God could forgive us. Jesus kept God's standard perfectly (he made the grade) and then God placed the righteousness of Jesus upon us so that God could declare us right with Him. What a marvelous truth. It gets richer each day. God will keep us justified and cause us to stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy through Jesus Christ our Lord (from Jude 24,25 my favorite benediction). Making the grade in Jesus Christ must keep us worshiping for all eternity. You have it all. Rejoice and worship.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I was off work on Sunday because of a "rain day" and am off again today (Tuesday) because of rain last night and this morning. The problem is not the rain but what the rain does to the clay at the airstrip. Just walking a few feet so cakes and weighs down workboots with mud that it is hard to walk. Machine tires and tracks slip and get clogged in the mud and work is dangerous and little gets accomplished. In fact to attempt any work in this mud is to produce more work in repairs after the Sun comes out. Better to not disturb the job site until it dries on its own and then get back to work. So brings another day in camp.

 I was reading Jeremiah this morning and how God was completely fed up with Israel's sin, and the judgement that He was going to bring upon them because of their relentless idolatry and rebellion against God. I thought of the mud that so easily clings to boots and machines after a rain and how the mud impedes any progress. It is the same with our sin. When we allow sin to cling to us by submitting to temptation and then continuing in sin, we impede the work of God in us and become fruitless.

God's solution is His Son. Because of the cross of Jesus Christ we can repent of our sin and receive God's forgiveness and once again walk in the newness of life that is ours in Christ. We can walk in a world full of sin and not have sin "cling" to us and impede us. Instead we can walk in true love and holiness and bring Glory to God with fruitful lives.

Excavator stuck in the mud up to his doors

Thursday, October 17, 2013


As I think of the airport project in its final weeks I remember the words of Jesus "It is finished". As Christians we all recognize the words "It is finished" as the cry of Jesus from the cross before He committed His spirit to God. God's plan of redemption of mankind from the punishment and power and eventually the presence of sin was finished. Three days later the resurrection of Jesus would validate man's redemption and complete the process of death to sin and new life in Jesus Christ.

God began to work out the plan of redemption, which I believe was conceived even before man fell into sin, immediately after Adam`s sin. God completed the plan with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since then the Gospel is being proclaimed in all the world and when that task is complete Jesus will return and establish His eternal kingdom and the new heaven and earth.

The plan to refurbish the airport here in Kirby is also coming to an end. Topsoil is being put back on the hillsides and soon on the shoulders of the airstrip. One more layer of gravel needs to be put on the airstrip and then an oil seal. Drainage pipe accesses are being completed. Soon the planned airstrip will be in use.

Replacing topsoil on the hillsides
Half of airstrip looking South
Since arriving here this last time I have been driving a 40 ton capacity rock truck called a CAT 740, and a John Deere tractor pulling a wobbly used to pack gravel.

740 Rock Truck
Tractor pulling Wobbly
Remember each day as you face your circumstances that the plan of God is finished and you are part of that plan. God is only working out the final details as the Gospel is preached in the whole world as a testimony to the nations. Then the end will come. (Matthew 24.14).

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Early Saturday morning (12:15 am) I arrived in camp ready to get up at 5 am to go to work. I did not expect to get called back to work until after the Thanksgiving weekend since I had been off for 11 days and this camp job was not busy. I am not sure how long this stint will last. I was busy at Ben's cutting and fitting baseboards when I was called to work.

I left Nipawin just before 4 in the afternoon and knew that I had to drive through some very desolate highway at dusk and into the night. On my journey to camp I saw 27 deer and twice had to brake for deer crossing in front of my truck and once the deer appeared in front of the truck so fast I did not even have a chance to brake. Fortunately that deer was the last of three and had the sense to keep on running. I praise God for His mercy in not hitting those deer and not having any flat tires or mechanical trouble. I arrived at camp which is 7 km off the main highway and has no street lights, and in the midnight darkness saw a million stars. I have never seen a sky with so many visible stars. A sight like that must drive the believer to worship and the unbeliever to believe there is a God. "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." (Psalm 19.1)

Tonight we had Thanksgiving Supper at camp. It would have been nice to be with Gloria and family, and friends. I want to wish everyone a gratitude filled Thanksgiving weekend. Let us Praise God for Who He is and for what He has done, and for what He will yet do in fulfilling His purposes. Praise the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


I have been off since last Monday. Monday was a rain day at camp and as it continued to rain the job was shut down on Tuesday and we were sent from Camp. I came to visit Ben and Ashley and Vance in Nipawin, SK. Today is Sunday. I was able to attend the Alliance church with Ben and Ashley this morning, my first service in two months. They were inducting their new Pastor. This afternoon I am waiting for a call to a new, non-camp, work site between Provost, AB and Macklin SK to begin work but the call has not come. Pray as I will need to find accommodations and will be making my own lunches and meals.

While here at Ben and Ashley's I was able to do a number of tasks for skim-coating water damaged walls in the bathroom, to re-piping a dryer vent, fixing some counter plugs which had not worked in two years, and other odds and ends.

I have also enjoyed getting to know my grandson Vance who is just under two and Poochy his faithful side kick. Here are a couple of pictures of Vance and Poochy.

I will send an update when I get resettled.