Tuesday, October 25, 2016


I went to Bruce's funeral on Saturday. Bruce was diagnosed with ALS a few months ago. He took his illness in stride and died glorifying God. When first diagnosed with ALS Bruce wrote in the front of his Bible,"I must accept God's view of my circumstances and rest in His love and power to see me through".
Bruce was an easy man to love. Bruce had a booming loud voice, a captivating smile, and a warm handshake, he was tall and carried an authority about him. Bruce was also very opinionated. But Bruce was easy guy to love because two particular characteristics came through very quickly. Bruce was humble and teachable and willing to learn, and Bruce was compassionate. Bruce often said he was a young, learning and growing Christian. I was surprised to learn at the funeral that Bruce came to know Christ 25 years ago. But that is how Bruce saw himself, a babe in Christ, a learner, a growing follower. That should be true about all of us. Bruce could easily have been in a higher social circle than most of us at Rosedale but was humbly and lovingly one of us.
I loved Bruce. Bruce made a great impact on me and on others during his short stay with us at Rosedale Baptist Church. Bruce also loved us and loved Rosedale. He looked forward to the Tuesday morning men's Bible study and the men loved him in spite of his strong opinions. I remember one day Bruce saying to me, "I love this place because there is no ego here" and he was right. We are glad that Gail, his wife, will continue with us, we hope she will be with us for many years to come.
I will miss Bruce's big smile and warm handshake and humble spirit, and look forward to meeting him in heaven. Oh! what a day that will be, a day made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for those who like Bruce have bowed and will bow their minds and hearts to God in Jesus Christ. Glory to God.