Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I was recently reminded through an Albert Mohler podcast of the importance of our Christian worldview. The Christian worldview as outlined in the Bible provides realistic, sustainable, verifiable, applicable and relevant truth for this present world. The Christian worldview is also under attack from many fronts by those who refuse to submit to God Who is the subject and dynamic in this worldview.

The Christian worldview answers four ultimate questions.
1) Where does this world and mankind come from? The Christian answer is "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth" and "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them". This first truth is being undermined by the theory of evolution and by attacks against the authority of the Bible. The truth of a historic Adam and Eve is also under attack even by Christian teachers wanting to align with the so called science of evolution. The Devil also seeks to dehumanize mankind and desecrate the image of God in man through normalizing sexual perversions, addictions, depression and destroying humanity through their sins.
2) Why is the world in this condition? The Christian answer is that through the sin of Adam and Eve man is born under the condemnation of God, born with a sinful nature, and sins at the earliest opportunity. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God". Anger, hatred, greed, war, lust, lies, injustice, pride, false religions systems, cruel dictatorships are all the result of human sin. The lie that man is basically good continues to prevail as a denial of the Christian worldview.
3) Can anything be done to fix this evil world? The Christian answer is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. "Because of God you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness, and sanctification and redemption". God had provided an answer for the evil in the world. In Jesus forgiveness is received and given to others and a radical change is brought to human nature which begins the process of love, humility, mercy and grace in each life. The world is trying to fix itself with education, equitable distribution of finances and food and material goods, political decisions, military might, climate change, peace talks etc... Many of these initiatives are commendable but only God can change the human heart and bring long lasting change. Unfortunately mankind does not recognize their need for God and Jesus Christ in their lives and for the systemic problems of this world.
4) What will become of this world? The Christian answer is that God will create a new world where righteousness rules. All who refuse to bow down to God will be separated from those who have chosen to follow and love God. One day God's original purpose will be accomplished. "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. ...He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things are passed away. And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold I am making all things new'". We are not heading for Utopia but the fiery end of this evil world as it is, with a new world for the people of God. The big and tragic lie here is that everyone is going to heaven.

Christian you have a precious gift in the worldview that God has taught you, a worldview that concurs with the reality around you. Embrace it, live by it, and speak it out. Learn how to apply it to every situation and circumstance in your life. By holding a Christian worldview you are part of a minority and will be laughed at as old fashioned, outdated, behind the times. You will be mocked as narrow minded, intolerant, unloving, and unchristian. But one day all that you have embraced, lived and spoken will be validated by God Himself. Do not hide your light my brothers and sisters. Be faithful unto the end.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


What is your family name?

Are you part of the "Shoudof" family? They should of done it another way then they would not be in so much trouble. They should of thought about that. She should of saved some of her money then she would not need our help. He should of been working instead of dreaming.

Then there is their cousins the "Couldof" family. They could of changed their minds. They could of went to another place. They could of behaved more sensibly. They could of watched their kids more closely. She could of planned ahead and avoided this problem.

What about the "Wouldof" nephews? It would of been better if they had thought more about what they were going to do? She would not of had so much trouble if she would of asked me for advice. He would of done better if he would of tried harder.

Now let me tell you about the "Pointer" and "Should" families. They are friends with the Shoudof family and their cousins and nephews. John and Jane Pointer and their children like to go around and point out what is wrong in circumstances and people but don't do anything about it. Look at all that garbage in the parking lot. Someone should clean up that mess. Look at the ice on the sidewalk. Somebody should put salt on it. Look at that poor person. He looks so hungry. He should get a job. Somebody should feed him. She looks like one of those welfare people somebody should go and talk to her. I can't relate to those people.

The "Cant's" are a large family. There is Imtobusy Cant and Imnotable Cant and Idonthavetime Cant and Thatsnotmygift Cant.

I thank God for the "Quietlydoit" family. I am proud to know a number of people from this family. They are amazing people. They quietly and privately do what needs to be done. When they see a need they do not shouldof and couldof and wouldof about it, they do not point to it and hope others will take care of it, they just go ahead and meet the need with their own strength and resources and don't go around broadcasting it. They are aware of all the person's shouldof's and couldof's and wouldof 's and may seek to meet those deficits but for now an action needs to be taken, a need must be met, a work needs to get done. Quietlydoit's have growing hearts of compassion and mercy and grace, filled with the love of God. They are decisive and active. They are beautiful people. They understand James 2.17 "So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." I pray that God would multiply the Quietlydoit family in this narcissistic and evil world as a people who stand out as lights in a dark world.

 "See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone." 1 Thessalonians 5.15

"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share." 1 Timothy 6.18

"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6.10

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


This week I would like to recommend a book for you to read and a daily podcast for you to listen to.

The book is "The Case for Grace" by Lee Strobel. "The Case for Grace" is an enjoyable and encouraging book and like all of Stobel's books is a record of his search into a particular aspect of Christianity. I like this book because it helped me to understand in a practical way the grace of God and how unique grace is among all of the world religions. It is a book of testimonials about the grace of God -- the grace of God worked out in the lives of lost sinners. Here is an excerpt from the book:
"I pointed to the Bible on the table between us. 'Which teaching of Jesus best crystalizes grace for you?' Hazen was quick to respond. 'It's got to be the story of the Prodigal Son. It's over-the-top! It really does show how we're not just talking about mercy; we're talking about a God who's singularly focused on having a love relationship with us and is willing to do just about anything for that. In this parable, the son takes his inheritance and says, 'I'm going my own way.' The father probably took a deep breath and said, 'Oh, I hope one day he comes back!' And after a disastrous life that helps him realize the enormity of his sin, the son does come back - and scanning the horizon, the father sees him and without a moment of hesitation runs to him with a ring, sandals and a feast. The father doesn't just begrudgingly allow his son secondary status as a disfavored servant, but he orders a party in his honor and reinstates him as his child.'
Hazen's eyebrows shot up. 'Wow!' he exclaimed. 'What a story of undeserved favor! You don't find anything like that in the other religions of the world.' 'Are you sure?' I asked. 'I thought there was a story in Buddhist literature that parallels the Prodigal Son parable.' 'Well, they're similar to the degree that they both involve sons who rebelled and left home, then later saw the error of their ways and came back. But the Buddhist story ends quite differently - the son has to work off his misdeeds.' 'How?' 'He ends up toiling for twenty-five years, hauling dung. So that provides a stark contrast between the God of grace and a religion where people have to work their way to nirvana.' A feast with a fatted calf versus hauling piles of dung - yes, quite a difference, I mused. 'What about Islam?' I asked. 'How would the Prodigal Son story play out there?'
'In my view, it's just not possible for a parable like that to emerge from Islamic circles,' Hazen said. 'I'm not sure the prodigal son would ever come back. Family shame is very significant in Islam. The family's honor is a reflection of the way the family submits to Allah. The level of shame in the young man leaving his family would have been intolerable.' 'And if he did come back?' 'He'd be on his hands and knees before Allah, and there would be great penance to pay - if that. No, the prodigal son is a product of Christian theology, which is a wellspring of grace, forgiveness, and hope. You find the Prodigal Son story coming from the lips of Jesus - and nobody else.'
My hand swept the array of books on Hazan's bookshelves. 'You've spent your academic life studying the religions of the world. Are you saying grace is nowhere else to be found?' ...

I also want to recommend for your listening (or reading if you prefer) a daily podcast called "The Briefing" by Albert Mohler. "The Briefing" analyses major news events from a theological and Christian worldview perspective. I appreciate "The Briefing" because it gives me overall understanding of what is taking place in the world from God's viewpoint. "The Briefing" helps me to look at the bigger picture and understand in a practical way the clash between darkness and light, lies and truth, God's kingdom and the kingdom of Satan in this world.
To listen to the briefing click here  You can also read the content of "The Briefing" but it may be posted a little bit later than the audio. A phone app is available by searching "The Briefing" by Albert Mohler on your browser. You can also go to www.albertmohler.com for other articles and resources.

Have a great week in Christ. Time to go and shovel some snow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


"Naturally, strawberry plants didn't set out with a conscious intent of attracting birds when, and only when, their seeds were ready to be dispersed. Neither did thrushes set out with the intent of domesticating strawberries. Instead, strawberry plants evolved through natural selection. The greener and more sour the young strawberry, the fewer the birds that destroyed the seeds by eating berries before the seeds were ready; the sweeter and redder the final strawberry, the more numerous the birds that dispersed its ripe seeds."
What an amazing concept! Why didn't God think about that? How come this had to happen through the evolution of natural selection? Amazing!

The theory of evolution through natural selection which promotes the development of the simple to the complex, and the eons journey from the primeval soup to intelligent and conscious humanity is one of those dumb, but tragic popular beliefs today. Evolution is unreasonable, unprovable, unintelligent and impossible. In short it is absurd and dumb. Only God can bring something out of nothing. Time and chance cannot produce something out of nothing. Nothing apart from God produces nothing. Nothing + time + chance = Nothing. No chemistry or biology can produce something from nothing. But God has. I know God created strawberries to turn red when ripe so that birds who were programmed by God to be attracted by the red berries could then eat them and spread their seeds far and wide.

The lie of evolution is tragic because its end is an eternity devoid of all that truly satisfies. Evolution proclaims development toward the perfection of humanity but the truth is that evolution robs mankind of its true humanity. The fullness of our humanity can only be realized in Jesus Christ for we were created in the image of God and a relationship with God in Christ restores that humanity.
The lie of evolution is embraced by the ignorant who have not truly investigated its claims and by the rebellious who refuse to submit to God and bow to the Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ.

The lie of evolution is also at the base of some of the most cruel destruction of human life such as Hitler's extermination of the Jews and the acceptance of abortion as the removal of tissue without personhood.

A second dumb but tragic belief is that "if I am a good person I will go to heaven". Most people place themselves in that good person category and as heaven bound. This false belief is the most universal of all Satan's lies and leads to a multitude of religious works to earn a place in heaven.

The good person assessment is generally made in comparison with surrounding social behaviors and the demands of our accepted religious system. If we find ourselves even in minimal compliance to societies norms and our religious requirements we claim good person status and a heavenly destiny.

The good person's view of God is distorted. For the good person God's holiness only applies to murderers and child molesters. God is love, forgives all my sins, understands my need for love even if it means immorality, and in His fatherly understanding and compassion will receive me with open arms into heaven.

The lie of the good person is tragic because it leads to an eternal separation from all that is truly good. The Bible clearly states that we all fall short of God's standard, which is the only standard God uses to assess if we are good people. The Bible also makes it clear that God is not only full of Love but Holy, Holy, Holy. This means that you and I can never make it to heaven by being good enough. We can never be good enough to make it to heaven. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross so that we might be both forgiven of sins but also given a new nature in Jesus Christ, a nature that God assesses as righteous and worthy of heaven. Heaven is not earned but received as a grace gift from the hand of God because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

I praise God today that my eyes have been opened to the lies of evolution and of being good enough to get to heaven. I praise God that I know the way and the truth and the life in Jesus Christ my Savior. May God enrich you with the same understanding.