Tuesday, February 23, 2016


As a Christian I do not want to live in-camera but publicly live and proclaim my faith. I acknowledge that in countries where Christians are severally persecuted some are secret believers, but for us that is not an option. We should live and proclaim our beliefs in a way that those around us ask about the hope that is within us or have a legitimate cause to mock and hate us. The Bible calls us to be kind, patient, not quarrelsome, able to teach those who oppose us that perhaps they may repent and come to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2.24-26). Live what you believe, proclaim what you believe and be able to share from the Bible why you believe.

 For the record, there is only one true God who has revealed Himself, His character, and His purposes to us through the Bible. The God of the Bible is not Allah the god of Islam. God has no equal.

The Bible is God's revealed word to mankind and is the final authority on origins, the sinfulness of humanity, how we can be accepted by God through Jesus Christ's death on the cross, holy and loving behavior and morality, how the world will end, and the eternal destiny of mankind.

The heart of mankind is essentially sinful and corrupted, not good. We are not evolving into gods or oneness with the universe by means of meditation, enlightenment, or mysticism. Our essential problem is not a need for education, better politics, fairer distribution of food and water, financial equity. We need a new heart by the supernatural work of God through faith in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This new nature leads to God focused motives, thoughts, attitudes and actions which change the individual and can influence those around them. Those who trust in Jesus Christ receive the gift of eternal life and those who reject Christ will be separated from God for eternity in a place called the lake of fire. One day God will establish His eternal kingdom on earth.

This world is under the control of the Devil through numerous false religious systems, false teachers, false worldviews, and the lie that man can earn his way to God. Behind these earthly powers are spiritual powers which seek to destroy the image of God in man, seek to destroy children and families, and biblical based morality. The Devil seeks to defame and falsely represent the true God who is revealed in the Bible. The Devil hates God and all those who are aligned with God and all that reflects the image of God. The Devil also works through institutions and governments where leaders and worldviews are under his control.

Christian it is time for you to rejoice that you know the true God of the universe, that you have a new nature in Christ, and that you are in the world but not of the world. Be true to your calling in Christ. Live Christ, proclaim Christ, and know what the Bible teaches you about Christ in you the hope of glory.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


This week I would like to share with you a devotional written by F. B. Meyer. Snuggle in on this beautiful snowy day, sit down with your favorite cup of tea or coffee or juice and enjoy this truth, then live it out as you can each day.

"Many resorted unto Him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things John spake of this Man were true. And many believed on Him there."-- Jn 10:41, 42.
THE PEOPLE were inclined to disparage the life of John the Baptist because he performed no miracle. But surely his whole life was a miracle; from first to last it vibrated with Divine power. This is still the mistake of men. They allege that the age of miracles has passed. If they admit that such prodigies may possibly have happened once, they insist that the world has outgrown them, and that in its maturity mankind has put them away as childish things!
No miracles! But last summer God made the handfuls of grain, which the farmers cast on the fields, sufficient to feed all the populations of the world as easily as He made five barley loaves suffice for more than five thousand persons! No miracles! But last autumn He changed the dews of night and the showers of morning into the fruits that rejoice the heart of man, as once in Cana He turned the water drawn from the stone jars into the blushing wine! No miracles! but next spring, from tiny seeds and dead-looking bulbs, He will clothe the world with beauty and colour and perfume.
Many who will read these lines seem powerless to work miracles. For them the monotony of the commonplace, the grey sky of uneventful routine seems the predestined lot. But let all such take heart! The real greatness of life is within their reach, if they will only claim it by the grace of God. Do not try to do a great thing, or you may waste all your life waiting for the opportunity which may never come. But since little things are always claiming your attention, do them as they come from a great motive, for the glory of God and to do good to men. No such action, however trivial, goes without the swift recognition and the ultimate recompense of Christ. All life is so interesting, but we need eyes to see and hearts to understand! Dare to be yourself--a simple, humble, sincere follower of Jesus, and it may be said also of you: "He or she did no miracle, but by life and word spoke true things about Jesus Christ, which we have tested for ourselves. Indeed, they led us to believe in Christ for ourselves."


Teach me, my God and King,
In all things Thee to see,
And what I do in anything,
To do it as for Thee.
A servant with this clause
Makes drudgery divine!
Who sweeps a room as for Thy laws,
Makes that and th'action fine. AMEN.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Last week as I was driving on the 406 I thought of the famous song by Tom Cochrane "Life is a Highway" not because I like the song but because of surrounding circumstances. Let me explain.

I was driving back from St Catharines doing the speed limit when this red sportscar turned into my lane from the passing lane attempting to pass a car in the passing lane that was apparently going to slow for him. I then noticed that most of the cars were passing me in their desire to reach their destination as quickly as possible. The thought came to me that the Christian life is like my highway experience.

Here I am keeping the speed limit (not something I always do) and all these other drivers are rushing past me to get to their destinations. I was more of an obstacle to them than a help. Herein lies my metaphor. As Christians we hold certain beliefs and ethical positions that are not popular and are seen as impeding the fun and love and human development of those who do not hold the same beliefs as we do. We are impeding access to their desires and goals which they pursue in spite of us, but we are still there to remind them about these old fashion beliefs and virtues. They view us as not keeping up with the culture while reminding them of a culture that has been left behind.

And so we steadily persevere down the highway of life to our sure heavenly destination while the world around us rushes to a destination that will not be what they expected. They will find out that what they rejected as naive and old fashioned and outdated is truth and reality.

So Christian, keep plodding along the highway of life while those around you blindly rush into eternity. Do not be too concerned that everyone seems to be passing you by, embracing the present godless culture, waving, shouting, mocking and laughing. One day you will reach your final eternal destination in joy and peace. And on the way, at the rest stops, make sure you speak to those rushing motorist about the destination they are expecting but will find to be empty and tragic. Some may change speeds and decide to join you in your plodding path to eternity on the highway of life.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Over the Christmas holidays Gloria and I put together a 750 piece puzzle of a Normal Rockwell painting, 40 inches by 13 inches. Much of that puzzle was snow and sky so differentiating colors and puzzle shapes was essential. But we got it done. Since then when I drive I see what is before me as puzzlescapes. I notice the small white piece of birch bark left on a rotting tree, the orange plastic bag sticking out of the snow, the small patch of ice remaining in a green field. I notice how intricate the branch systems are on trees and the fine detail of the bulrushes along the highway. I am seeing the world with puzzle focus. I sometimes have to remind myself that I am not looking at a puzzle but the real world. Amazing what focusing on a puzzle can do to perception.

Let me translate this experience to our spiritual vision. Last week I spoke about the worldview outlined in the Bible which we have as Christians. Understanding this worldview is essential to our perception of the world today and how we are to respond to the circumstances we live in and the people around us. Too often as Christians we know this biblical worldview but live by the worldview of the unbelievers around us. We adopt standards of speech and dress and materialism and attitudes and goals that originate from a secular worldview and not a Christian worldview. We do this unconsciously because we do not have a Christian worldview focus. We do not apply what we know about the Christian worldview to everyday life. We know and confess the Christian worldview when required but live differently and do not notice the disconnect.

Applying the Christian worldview to daily life requires discernment and critical thinking. We must discern the worldview source of choices, attitudes, goals, statements, hopes against the standard of the Christian worldview and then respond accordingly in love, in the power of the Spirit. Applying the Christian worldview to daily life also requires courage and boldness, in humility and without self-righteousness. Applying the Christian worldview to daily life also requires perseverance and consistency with integrity. Applying the Christian worldview to daily life should be done in joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. Finally applying the Christian worldview to daily life requires a daily fellowship with God and reflection on the Word of God.

God has not only given us the exceedingly rich gift of understanding a Christian worldview but also the privilege and power to live it out as shining lights in a dark world. Let us love God with our whole mind and will, and enjoy the fullness He has granted to us as His children.