Tuesday, February 23, 2016


As a Christian I do not want to live in-camera but publicly live and proclaim my faith. I acknowledge that in countries where Christians are severally persecuted some are secret believers, but for us that is not an option. We should live and proclaim our beliefs in a way that those around us ask about the hope that is within us or have a legitimate cause to mock and hate us. The Bible calls us to be kind, patient, not quarrelsome, able to teach those who oppose us that perhaps they may repent and come to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2.24-26). Live what you believe, proclaim what you believe and be able to share from the Bible why you believe.

 For the record, there is only one true God who has revealed Himself, His character, and His purposes to us through the Bible. The God of the Bible is not Allah the god of Islam. God has no equal.

The Bible is God's revealed word to mankind and is the final authority on origins, the sinfulness of humanity, how we can be accepted by God through Jesus Christ's death on the cross, holy and loving behavior and morality, how the world will end, and the eternal destiny of mankind.

The heart of mankind is essentially sinful and corrupted, not good. We are not evolving into gods or oneness with the universe by means of meditation, enlightenment, or mysticism. Our essential problem is not a need for education, better politics, fairer distribution of food and water, financial equity. We need a new heart by the supernatural work of God through faith in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This new nature leads to God focused motives, thoughts, attitudes and actions which change the individual and can influence those around them. Those who trust in Jesus Christ receive the gift of eternal life and those who reject Christ will be separated from God for eternity in a place called the lake of fire. One day God will establish His eternal kingdom on earth.

This world is under the control of the Devil through numerous false religious systems, false teachers, false worldviews, and the lie that man can earn his way to God. Behind these earthly powers are spiritual powers which seek to destroy the image of God in man, seek to destroy children and families, and biblical based morality. The Devil seeks to defame and falsely represent the true God who is revealed in the Bible. The Devil hates God and all those who are aligned with God and all that reflects the image of God. The Devil also works through institutions and governments where leaders and worldviews are under his control.

Christian it is time for you to rejoice that you know the true God of the universe, that you have a new nature in Christ, and that you are in the world but not of the world. Be true to your calling in Christ. Live Christ, proclaim Christ, and know what the Bible teaches you about Christ in you the hope of glory.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Ron. This reminds me of something in I Peter: 'He has given us new birth into a living hope...and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade...in this we greatly rejoice...and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy '
