Saturday, July 5, 2014


I love these guys and gal and pray that above all else God will get a hold of their hearts and use their unique personalities and gifts for His Glory.

Vance and Papa in Nipawin
Keegan, Oliver, Jonas and Rael
 To bring unbelievers - who have followed for hundreds of years, and some for over a thousand years, a religious system that brings under its influence all law, culture, family, and work - to receive Christ as their Savior and Lord requires the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. God is working in those kind of all-inclusive religious systems revealing Jesus as the only way to a relationship with God and bringing an understanding of truth. Those converts, our brothers and sisters in Christ, pay a dear price to follow Jesus and confess a new authority in the Bible. We are obliged to pray for and stand with our brothers and sisters in any way we can.

Bringing the Gospel of the Kingdom to these monolithic religious systems takes prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit. But it also requires believers to go and be witnesses and share the message. Witnesses need to be patient, repeating the message again and again, answering a multitude of questions, showing love and integrity, being helpful to meet needs, being content with little fruit over a long period of time with the hope that one day God may bring more fruit even though that fruit may be through someone else.

The missionary also needs a solid home team to pray and to provide for his needs on the field as God directs them. Thank you to those who have signed up to receive my private weekly email of prayer requests. This email will begin this month and will have more specific information for prayer. If you would like to have your name included on this prayer list send me an email at <>. I covet your prayers for Chad and my work there.

I want to represent you in Chad. I am willing to pay the price to be your witness in Chad as God gives me a willing heart and grace to stay the course, whatever that course may be. If you would like to partner with me in this mission please commit yourself to prayer. If you would like to financially support my mission to Chad you can do that in two ways. For those who are connected to Rosedale Baptist Church you can donate to the Chad Mission Fund. Rosedale will forward these funds to WEC. Others can send checks directly to WEC Canada at 37 Aberdeen Ave, Hamilton ON, L8P 2N6. Please do not write my name on the check but include a note saying for Ron Latulippe going to Chad. Donations can also be given to WEC by credit-card by calling 905-529-0166.

I am pleased to be working with WEC (World Evangelization for Christ, because of its focus on prayer and dependence on God`s provision. 100% of money donated to my trip to Chad goes to that purpose, WEC does not charge administrative fees and in my case does not take any deductions off.  Donations will be used to cover my flight costs to Chad and back, numerous vaccinations I need to get before I leave, my visa, costs for living and traveling in Chad, travel insurance and two weeks of orientation at WEC headquarters in Hamilton at the end of August.

Recognition of spiritual need, coming to repentance and confession of faith in Jesus Christ is a supernatural work of God. But God also uses means - the prayers and witness of His people. In some way I am part of God`s means for a small part of His work in Chad. To God I give thanks for that opportunity.

If you have any questions you can send me an email.

**Remember to let me know if you want to be
on my private prayer email list. **

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