Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I am having a coffee at Starbuck"s on my way to a root canal at the dentist. It is -31C with the wind chill so for today my saying is "I would rather be having a root canal than be outside".

I fully expected to be back working out West by this time after a break at Christmas but there is no work to go to at the present time. How do I interpret this? ...nothing more than the reality of economic forces at work or the hand of God redirecting me? I have applied to other companies out West for work  and have applied for EI but still have to wonder if there is more to this delay in plans. Keep in mind that I purchased a used truck just before Christmas in anticipation of going back to work and hiring out my truck as part of my work. I was also assured that work was forthcoming in the new year. So all of this leads me to wondering and praying for God's guidance as I wait.

I would like to think God is advancing my plans (His plan) to serve the third world church in some capacity but there are still some debts to pay and a truck out West. Perhaps God has a completely different plan in mind. So Gloria and I wait and pray. I would like to ask that you pray for us during this time of waiting and decision making.

Thank you. May we continue to walk in the riches of Jesus Christ.