Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I was off work on Sunday because of a "rain day" and am off again today (Tuesday) because of rain last night and this morning. The problem is not the rain but what the rain does to the clay at the airstrip. Just walking a few feet so cakes and weighs down workboots with mud that it is hard to walk. Machine tires and tracks slip and get clogged in the mud and work is dangerous and little gets accomplished. In fact to attempt any work in this mud is to produce more work in repairs after the Sun comes out. Better to not disturb the job site until it dries on its own and then get back to work. So brings another day in camp.

 I was reading Jeremiah this morning and how God was completely fed up with Israel's sin, and the judgement that He was going to bring upon them because of their relentless idolatry and rebellion against God. I thought of the mud that so easily clings to boots and machines after a rain and how the mud impedes any progress. It is the same with our sin. When we allow sin to cling to us by submitting to temptation and then continuing in sin, we impede the work of God in us and become fruitless.

God's solution is His Son. Because of the cross of Jesus Christ we can repent of our sin and receive God's forgiveness and once again walk in the newness of life that is ours in Christ. We can walk in a world full of sin and not have sin "cling" to us and impede us. Instead we can walk in true love and holiness and bring Glory to God with fruitful lives.

Excavator stuck in the mud up to his doors

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