Saturday, November 2, 2013


Written on Thursday, October 31st.

This morning the sky was grey and gloomy. Being so far up North the days are getting very short. The Sun does not rise until 8:30 and sets before 6. I am on the road by 6 am. I can literally see from day to day the days getting shorter.

Driving into the Sun early in the morning

Anyways it was gloomy for most of the day today but yesterday was a bright sunny fresh day, the kind of day that just makes you feel good. Today was one of those days that just makes one want to go back to bed.

God gives us all kinds of days because He loves us and wants us to grow up into Christ. All "sunny" days would make us very shallow people. All "gloomy" days would make us bitter and miserable people. I regularly meet shallow people focused on themselves and material comforts, and bitter people filled with ingratitude. They have missed something very important through the brights and greys. They have missed the purpose of their existence which would take them above circumstances and into an eternal hope and true meaning for their lives.

When our center is Christ and our will is to please Him above all other things no matter what the cost, the sunny and the gloomy circumstances of life, the brights and the greys, all work together to make us into a beautiful picture of Christ. With no true center in Christ we are prone to be formed by our circumstances rather than the Word of God and the work of the Spirit of God in us. Daily we must come back to the center and source of our life and then we can let the brights and greys do their work of forming Christ in us.

"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure". (Philippians 2.12-13)

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. become conformed to the image of His Son". (Romans 8.28-29)

"Rejoice in the Lord always." (Philippians 4.4)

"In everything give thanks." (2 Thessalonians 5.8)

Saw mama moose and her baby today by the road

1 comment:

  1. Awesome picture of the low sun! Thanks for keeping us updated.
