Thank you to everyone who prayed for our flights. My 15 1/2 hour flight to Hong Kong from Toronto went quickly and I actually enjoyed the flight and then the beautiful flowers inside the Hong Kong terminal.
My flight to Manila was also pleasant and uneventful. The team was able to get a few hours sleep in Manila and then after a good breakfast on Sunday we made our flight South to Davao city and then the long and bumpy and daredevil ride to Digos City. With a twelve hour time change and all the traveling I was very tired but managed to stay up until about 9pm, having napped on the plane. My roommate and I were up at 2:30 am this morning no longer able to sleep so we drank coffee, had devotions, studied our notes and read until breakfast at 7. Then we went to the training center for a long day of teaching until 4 pm. When I got to our hotel at 4:30 I went straight to bed until 6. I was very tired but thankful to God that I did not get tired until the teaching was finished. I sensed a sustaining energy while in the classroom. It is now almost 10 pm and I have reviewed my sermon for chapel tomorrow and some of my class notes and will get to bed around 11 and hopefully sleep until later in the morning.
Here is a picture of my class. I have the same students as last year. The first day of teaching was strenuous but went well.
We are eating well, mostly Chinese style dishes and water is plentiful.
I have a long day on Tuesday so please pray for me. I preach in chapel and then teach for five hours and the material tomorrow is an important part of the book of Mark.
Praying Ron! Praise God for a safe trip!