Tuesday, February 27, 2018


PRAY WITH ME FOR AFRICA: Statistics show Africa as 50% Christian (about 16% Catholic, 14.5% Protestant, 5% Anglican and 4.5% Orthodox, and 10% independent), 41.5% Muslim, 8% Ethnoreligionist, and others. The saying that Africa's Christianity is "a mile wide and 1/2 inch deep" holds true. There is much discipleship and true conversion needed in the African Church. Please pray for genuine conversions and maturity for the Church in Africa.

I have met a number of men and women who intensely professed that they were Christians but did not possess the savor of humility, peace and joy that flows from a relationship with Christ Jesus. I have often wondered and even questioned their saving faith. They certainly could outline their belief in the death of Christ for their sin and their assurance of the gift of eternal life. But still I doubted. (We live in a society that easily accepts the Christian profession of actors and singers and people in general without question, but I question the genuineness of such popular professions). Anyways a few weeks back I found a satisfactory answer to my long-standing question in John Piper's book Future Grace in a chapter where he examined the false professions of Matthew 7.21-23. These "believers" truly believed that they were eternally secure but they were not. My mind and heart resonated with Piper's examination and definition of true faith, "Being satisfied with all that God is for us in Jesus". Piper writes, "I think this is as close as I know how to get, because it gets at this idea of 'delighting in' or 'cherishing' or 'consenting to' or 'embracing' spiritual beauty".
A heart of flesh for a heart of stone

 The missing of this delight in Jesus, of this love for Jesus, of this passion for Jesus, of this quickening at hearing the Gospel or the reading of God's Word, for me has often been the missing component in the lives of these confessing Christians that I have encountered and continue to meet. Piper writes that two things are necessary for saving faith to emerge. "One is to use our perception and our mind to hear and see and understand and validate a testimony to the truth of Christ." The second is "that we must apprehend and embrace the spiritual beauty and worth of Christ through the illumination of the Holy Spirit". Validation and "belief" of the facts of the cross can be a natural act of the human intellect, but acknowledging the facts may not save. It may lead to a false assurance unto eternal damnation. But only the Holy Spirit can change the heart so that it delights in God and all that God is for us in Jesus Christ. How many "Christians" have only accepted the facts but have not been born-again by the work of the Holy Spirit? Their hearts do not delight in God and Jesus Christ but they are deceived by the facts they have accepted that all is well with God. I think we may have more unconverted believers than we may be willing to acknowledge. I read this verse on Sunday as our Pastor preached on 1 Corinthians 16. Verse 22 says, "If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed. Our Lord, come!"
My Father, fill my heart all the more with your love so that I may love you more. May I find all my delight in all You are for me in Jesus Christ for evermore.

Good articles I read this week: https://pioneers.ca/article/3157-the-meaning-of-things
https://mailchi.mp/missionscatalyst/where-medicine-is-magic-world-news-briefs?e=beb00c3891 (article on Afghanistan #4 but all are worth reading)

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


PRAY WITH ME FOR AFRICA: I will be posting prayers for the countries of Africa but I want to give some general statistics on the continent of Africa over the next number of weeks. With a population of over 1.27 billion Africa has 16.6% of the world's population. Africa has 2500 ethnic groups and an average literacy rate of 61%. Pray that God will pour out His Spirit on African to convict of sin, righteousness and judgement (John 16.8-11)

I was reminded this week as I read Martyn Lloyd-Jones about how a Christian should view history. Before the two world wars, unbelievers tended to see history as progressing toward a utopia created by man through science and education and economic development. Since these two world wars the talk of man evolving toward a utopia has been muted but is slowly raising its head once again. A person would have to ignore much of what is going on in the world or assess the facts with a great deal of bias to conclude that man is evolving toward utopia, and yet that is being done. We are certainly advancing in technology but we are not developing in our humanity. Society is growing in self-love, greed, and immoral behavior. Mankind's slavery to sin is becoming more evident. Humanity is quickly losing the image of God in which it was created as God gives mankind over to its sins. 

Here are four things to remember as we evaluate our present circumstances. 1) History is under the control of God. In the midst of our present chaos and search for meaning and purpose in a world gone mad Christians can be certain that God is in control. God is Sovereign over all and is allowing what is taking place in this present evil world. The whole historical process is in the hands of God. 2) The key to understanding history is the fact of sin. Man has been seeking to rule himself and build his own kingdom since rebelling against God in Eden and since seeking to build the tower of Babel to make a name for himself. As long as mankind persists in being the enemy of God chaos and destruction, pain and suffering, greed and self-contentedness will prevail. 3) There is a history of salvation from sin. God promised salvation to mankind in the seed of the woman and in time Jesus provided salvation from sin through the cross and resurrection. God is redeeming a people for Himself in Christ. 4) There is an ultimate and final consummation of history. God will establish a righteous kingdom with a new heaven and a new earth. This end of history is a certain as the existence of God. Let us rejoice that God controls history and that we are part of that history.

Good articles I read this week: https://hormozshariat.com/2017/12/08/shiite-christianit

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


AFRICA: I have had a desire for a number of years now to have a monthly prayer meeting in my home for the continent of Africa but have not had an encouraging response from others when the idea was presented to them. So I am going to add a new feature to this blog for those who want to take a few minutes each week to pray for Africa. Beginning next week I am going to give five specific prayer requests for the continent of Africa as a whole, and after we are finished praying for the continent I will present prayers for specific countries. Please join me in praying for Africa. I would also encourage you to spend time in prayer each day for ethnic groups that have under 2% Christian representation by having the Joshua project sent to your phone or computer or tablet <joshuaproject.net/pray/unreachedoftheday> then select how you want to receive this information. I would also encourage you to pray with for our brothers and sisters in the persecuted Church <www.vomcanada.com/pray1.htm> and select <free weekly email prayer alert>. Lets pray together.

Reading the Psalms this week has been spiritually refreshing. Psalm 86.5 was particularly encouraging. "For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you." What a wonderful description of our God. He is Lord, the Sovereign Ruler of all. God is Good, all the time. God is forgiving. God abounds in steadfast love to all those who call upon Him. I rejoice that I have such a God as my Father.

But as other verses in the Psalms remind me, God is Holy and must be obeyed with our whole hearts. So just a few chapters later I read, "For forty years I loathed that generation and said, 'They are a people who go astray in their heart, and they have not known my ways.' Therefore I swore in my wrath,'They shall not enter my rest.'" Psalm 95.10-11.
I thank God that in His Goodness and Love and Forgiveness He brought my heart into fellowship with Him and has shown me His ways, and brought me into His rest in Christ Jesus. That my friends is the essence of life, a life that will last forever in relationship with God my Father, Jesus my husband, and the Holy Spirit my dwelling place. God cannot be praised enough for His Goodness and Forgiveness and Love. Eternity will not suffice to render to God all His worth.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Endure and Bear. These are not feel good words. They call for work and energy and patience. But they are words addressed to the Christian in the journey of righteousness in this present evil world.
As believers we are called to endure temptation as we look to our faithful God to provide a way of escape (1 Corinthian 10.13). We endure under persecution in whatever form that may come against us, be it mocking, economic, or physical (1 Corinthians 4.2). We are to endure so that we do not put an obstacle in the way of the Gospel of Christ. Remember people are watching you because you confess to be a Christian (1 Corinthians 9.12). We endure so that other believers can grow in the salvation of Christ with eternal glory (2 Timothy 2.10). We endure so that we may grow as the Lord disciplines us (Hebrews 12.7). We endure to bring glory to God (1 Peter 2.20). And finally we endure so that in the end we will reign with Jesus (2 Timothy 2.12). Endure pictures a burden put upon the shoulders that we bear up and carry until the burden is removed. We can endure by the grace of God. Not mentioned specifically in these verses but very much a part of enduring are the burdens of everyday life. For me that burden is aging. For you it may be family burdens, financial burdens, burdens of decisions that need to be made. Whatever you are enduring at the moment let the verses above on why we are to endure be your guide.

We are also called to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves (Romans 15.1). And to bear one another's burdens (Galatians 6.2). We are to bear one another in love. You don't have to like them but bear with them in love (Ephesians 4.2). Bear with one another's complaints and forgive each other as God has forgiven you (Colossians 3.13).
We can only endure and bear by the power of God and with the love of God. Oh God my Father, I am so prone to give up and give in, to be overwhelmed by my circumstances and by those around me, even fellow believers. Hear my prayer and give me grace to endure my present circumstances and to bear in love and forgive those you have brought into my life. For your glory and for your gospel and for my growth I ask these things. Amen