Sunday, October 6, 2013


I have been off since last Monday. Monday was a rain day at camp and as it continued to rain the job was shut down on Tuesday and we were sent from Camp. I came to visit Ben and Ashley and Vance in Nipawin, SK. Today is Sunday. I was able to attend the Alliance church with Ben and Ashley this morning, my first service in two months. They were inducting their new Pastor. This afternoon I am waiting for a call to a new, non-camp, work site between Provost, AB and Macklin SK to begin work but the call has not come. Pray as I will need to find accommodations and will be making my own lunches and meals.

While here at Ben and Ashley's I was able to do a number of tasks for skim-coating water damaged walls in the bathroom, to re-piping a dryer vent, fixing some counter plugs which had not worked in two years, and other odds and ends.

I have also enjoyed getting to know my grandson Vance who is just under two and Poochy his faithful side kick. Here are a couple of pictures of Vance and Poochy.

I will send an update when I get resettled.

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