Thursday, October 17, 2013


As I think of the airport project in its final weeks I remember the words of Jesus "It is finished". As Christians we all recognize the words "It is finished" as the cry of Jesus from the cross before He committed His spirit to God. God's plan of redemption of mankind from the punishment and power and eventually the presence of sin was finished. Three days later the resurrection of Jesus would validate man's redemption and complete the process of death to sin and new life in Jesus Christ.

God began to work out the plan of redemption, which I believe was conceived even before man fell into sin, immediately after Adam`s sin. God completed the plan with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since then the Gospel is being proclaimed in all the world and when that task is complete Jesus will return and establish His eternal kingdom and the new heaven and earth.

The plan to refurbish the airport here in Kirby is also coming to an end. Topsoil is being put back on the hillsides and soon on the shoulders of the airstrip. One more layer of gravel needs to be put on the airstrip and then an oil seal. Drainage pipe accesses are being completed. Soon the planned airstrip will be in use.

Replacing topsoil on the hillsides
Half of airstrip looking South
Since arriving here this last time I have been driving a 40 ton capacity rock truck called a CAT 740, and a John Deere tractor pulling a wobbly used to pack gravel.

740 Rock Truck
Tractor pulling Wobbly
Remember each day as you face your circumstances that the plan of God is finished and you are part of that plan. God is only working out the final details as the Gospel is preached in the whole world as a testimony to the nations. Then the end will come. (Matthew 24.14).

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