Sunday, September 22, 2013


[I am leaving camp this morning (Monday) for some time off, returning to work on Friday. I will be visiting some kind friends in Ponoka who are willing to put me up for a few days.]

Last Wednesday all workers for the company I work for were called to a 9:00 AM meeting. There were over 50 of us present. We learned that we were going to be tested for alcohol and drug use then and there with a zero tolerance. The testing took 4 hours to complete. The big boss told anyone who knew they were not going to pass the test to get in their trucks and leave. That was the end of their employment. One fellow left. I know of three in my crew who failed and were dismissed.

I just so happened that in the morning while I was working (I start at 7 AM) that I was thinking of how God might show unbelievers around me how His children are blessed by their Father. In one way this showed the blessing of the righteous. Those who profess to be followers of the God of heaven should have no problem with a zero tolerance drug and alcohol test. I pray God may make those around me aware that as a believer this test was no threat because of the lifestyle believers are called to. Others have to play "dodge the bullet".

There is another blessing of the righteous. That blessing is called persecution. Many of our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world suffer and are killed for naming the name of Christ and possessing a Bible. Praise God many are finding truth and life in Christ and know that Christ is worth living and dying for. I hope that is how you feel about your Savior and your loving Father God. Why should we be embarrassed and ashamed and fear marginalization and humiliation? We have the truth, we have perfect righteousness in Christ, we have the great and true hope of eternal life. Those around us are in darkness, deceived, and spiritually dead. Their ways lead to death and ours to life - the blessings of the righteous. To remind yourself of our persecuted brothers subscribe to a weekly email from Voice of the Martyrs and pray for the requests sent to you <>.

Become more aware of what you truly have in Christ. Rejoice, stand tall, be joyful because you know that your way, which may seem so narrow, unsophisticated, old fashioned, goody-goody, and empty to the world, is the way of true life and blessing. Do I hear a LOUD AMEN and GLORY TO GOD?

Created by our Father to show His Glory
...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value then they?

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