Sunday, August 18, 2013


I am not a mystic. Nor do I put much confidence in visions, dreams and special signs. With that said let me tell you about dragonfly. I have been working up here for 10 days now. I have had to learn many things and have made a few stupid mistakes, like taking the wrong machine to another job location and being told on the radio by my boss (which everyone hears) when a short way down the road to turn around and come back and pick up the right machine. Anyway on my first day on the job while trying to run a machine I had absolutely no confidence in driving and maneuvering, I noticed a dragonfly hanging around my machine. Just one dragonfly. I have not seen any other dragonflies around nor have a seen more than one. He or she kept buzzing around my machine all day and brought peace and joy to my heart. Everyday since, dragonfly has shown up to keep me company. By the third day I saw the dragonfly as a reminder of God’s presence being ever with me. A few days back I was having a particular hard day learning how to drive a new piece of machinery. This was at a job site at another location many km away from where I was working the day before and where I usually work. I had the windows of my machine open and dragonfly flew in and gave me a little nudge on the cheek. That was God’s comfort to me. Needless to say I look for the dragonfly every day. Today dragonfly did not show up and I was wondering if it was my time to "fly solo". But after lunch there he or she was, a reminder that God is ever present with us.
Today at my afternoon coffee break as I sat in my machine with the door open, I threw a small piece of apple out the door and behold 5 Northern Shrike landed on my machine and two of them on my door within a couple of feet. When I finished my apple I threw out the core and they scooped it and where gone.
God will always give us special blessing each day as reminders of His ever present Fatherly love to us. "Father, thank you for creating dragonflies and for sending one to visit me each day as a reminder of your love to me and your presence with me. And thank you for the beautiful birds and your lovely creation that surrounds me. You are awesome."


  1. Praise the Lord for His presence with you. May He continue to strengthen and encourage you in these days.

  2. Always an interesting read Pastor Ron
