I had the opportunity to watch a young mother taking her daughter (I am guessing around two years old) for a walk. What joy it gave me to watch this young child struck with awe almost with every step she took. She stopped by a small tree to examine the steel supports that were helping that tree to grow straight and tall. She touched the tree, the supports, the dirt, walked around it looking up and down with fascination. Her mother was 20 feet ahead as this young girl kept stopping to look at this and bend over and pick up that and view that other object of fascination on the other side of the sidewalk. This child's mother, even at her young age, seemed to have already lost the ability to be awed by everyday things. Intently starting at her cellphone she missed the moments of true joy of the awe of her daughter exploring her universe. What a blessing to watch that dear innocent child awed by the most familiar of things.
As we deepen in our love for God, our dear Father also gives us a growing tenderness of heart, and a deeper gratitude for the smallest of things, and also the ability to be awed again by the familiar. This includes nature, the stamps of God in the good and love of people and actions around us, our redemption in Christ and also the truths of the Word of God. I pray that this year may bring to you a greater welling up from your heart of tears of joy for the good, the beautiful, the innocent, that which has God's stamp on it in the most familiar things of life. May our Father give us a renewed ability to be awed with Him and all that is His and reflects Him in this world and all that calls our attention to the depth of His Love and the great Hope He has put in our hearts and promised to us.
God's Redemption in Christ humanizes us. Being conformed to the image of Christ means loving more deeply, living more righteously in a wholehearted way not in a legalistic way, and being awed with creation, our Father and all that has the touch of His hand upon it, like the awed innocence of a discovering child. There are unbelievers today who have this awe view of life but only the redeemed have the greatest awe of all, salvation in Jesus Christ. Believers who have lost the essence of awe in life find daily life more difficult and strenuous and empty. Awe renews our delight in life and God. Awe generates gratitude - always a welcome utterance. Lord deliver me from the blindness of familiarity that I may once again be amazed as one of your dear children. And thank you that you will not be on your cellphone but rejoicing over the awe of your child in Christ.
PS: I thank God that my grandchildren who have been limited from TV and video games and developed their imaginations continue to be awed by what surrounds them and that I am allowed to enjoy their awed discoveries with them. Lord, deepen their awe for you as they grow up.
I invite you to share in my spiritual journey of discovering more about God and about myself and of God's purpose for my life. Hopefully in the process you will also discover more about God, yourself and God's purpose for your life.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
"I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and patient endurance that are in Jesus Christ, was on the island of Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, saying..."(Revelation 1.9)
John was exiled to Patmos, a Roman penal colony, for his testimony of Jesus Christ. John may have had a few other Christians with him in Patmos but was conscious of his isolation from the church and the rest of the world as an exile on Patmos. But his exile from the world and the church did not exile him from the presence of God and fellowship with Jesus Christ.
As believers, God is with us always in all circumstances. Men may isolate us from other people and other Christians but they can never separate us from our God. There are men and women today who are imprisoned for their faith, isolated from other believers and the church who have a deep, joy-filled, peace-abounding fellowship with Jesus, perhaps a deeper fellowship than they have ever experienced before.
This week we celebrate the birth of Jesus. God coming to earth as a baby, to grow as a perfect man, to die on a cross, and to be raised from the dead that we might receive by faith the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, God living within us. No matter how isolated we might be from the outside world, God is always living within us and making Himself known to us.
Some Christians today may be surrounded by other Christians and be part of a worshiping church and yet may feel exiled and isolated from God. God may be taking you through a trial but you may also need to go away to a quiet place in the presence of God and worship, repent, and ask God for renewal in your spirit by His Spirit. God lives within the true Christian to deepen our understanding of His love for us and to nurture our love for Him. There is no excuse for being separated from the love of God and an ever deepening fellowship with Jesus. Jesus met with John at Patmos and he will meet with you in your present circumstances.
Merry Christmas to all.
Here is a short presentation by John Piper which you will be glad you watched <http://youtu.be/MYUDgmH_PnQ>
John was exiled to Patmos, a Roman penal colony, for his testimony of Jesus Christ. John may have had a few other Christians with him in Patmos but was conscious of his isolation from the church and the rest of the world as an exile on Patmos. But his exile from the world and the church did not exile him from the presence of God and fellowship with Jesus Christ.
As believers, God is with us always in all circumstances. Men may isolate us from other people and other Christians but they can never separate us from our God. There are men and women today who are imprisoned for their faith, isolated from other believers and the church who have a deep, joy-filled, peace-abounding fellowship with Jesus, perhaps a deeper fellowship than they have ever experienced before.
This week we celebrate the birth of Jesus. God coming to earth as a baby, to grow as a perfect man, to die on a cross, and to be raised from the dead that we might receive by faith the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, God living within us. No matter how isolated we might be from the outside world, God is always living within us and making Himself known to us.
Some Christians today may be surrounded by other Christians and be part of a worshiping church and yet may feel exiled and isolated from God. God may be taking you through a trial but you may also need to go away to a quiet place in the presence of God and worship, repent, and ask God for renewal in your spirit by His Spirit. God lives within the true Christian to deepen our understanding of His love for us and to nurture our love for Him. There is no excuse for being separated from the love of God and an ever deepening fellowship with Jesus. Jesus met with John at Patmos and he will meet with you in your present circumstances.
Merry Christmas to all.
Here is a short presentation by John Piper which you will be glad you watched <http://youtu.be/MYUDgmH_PnQ>
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Last week I mentioned a book I read, "Hitler's Cross" by Erwin Lutzer (Moody Press). I would recommend this book because of the insight it gives into Hitler's character and how he was motivated by Satan through cultist practices, false religious systems and worldly philosophies. That part of the book itself is an eye opener and a valuable lesson in worldviews and what we allow to influence our lives in this present evil world such as the pursuits of this world, eastern religious beliefs, the lie of evolution and false worldviews. It is obvious that under the emblem of Hitler's broken cross, the Swastika (the origin of this cross is revealing but you will have to read the book), Satan was seeking to destroy the plan of God for His people the Jews and to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ.
But the main goal of this book is to warn Christians of how conditions during the time of Hitler which led to his dictatorship over Germany are similar to today's political climate (especially in the United States). The warning is especially pointed to Christians today who confuse the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. That confusion led the majority of the German church to embrace Hitler and to stand aside as he attempted to destroy Christianity in Germany and kill all the Jews, the people of God. We are in danger of falling into the same trap.
As North American Christians we are willing to embrace prosperity, security, private religious meetings, and comfortable lifestyle, in exchange for a boldless, quiet, tolerant, non-challenging, inclusive, declawed, romantic, words-only, private, non-intrusive, don't get involved Christianity which is denuded of the cross of Jesus Christ. We are willing to allow government to prevent individuals from expressing their Christianity in the workplace as long as we can have prosperity, security, private religious meetings, and maintain our comfortable lifestyle.** No sacrifice for me, no persecution for me, no boldness for Christ for me, no public testimony of Christ for me, no cross Christianity for me. So we will allow more secular government interference into our churches and homes to produce a Christless, all inclusive Christianity stripped of the cross and the fundamental message of Jesus as the only Savior for mankind, which is no longer biblical Christianity. The cross of Christ is not self-serving and not interested in self-preservation but lifts up Jesus and speaks life into a relativistic and disintegrating sinful culture. We are to daily take up the cross of Christ and bear its shame and persecution in this present evil world.
As Christians we need clarity regarding the kingdom of God and the commands of our King and how to act on those commands in daily life. We are Christians and need to act like Christians in attitude and action in public. We need clarity regarding the kingdom of this world and its limits and its God ordained sphere of influence, and how we as children of the King should respond to government when it tries to silence our testimony of Christ in exchange for the promise of security, prosperity and a comfortable lifestyle free of persecution.
Jesus must be King of our own hearts first in humility and purity and love and then boldly and openly as we live for him in this evil world. I leave you with a quote from "Hitler's Cross". "John Q. Citizen will never be convinced of the credibility of the Christian faith until he becomes personally acquainted with someone who lives out the Christian life, applying its values to every situation. The message of the cross will not be received unless it is wrapped in the life of an authentic believer."
Hitler came to power in a Christian nation of Christians that did not understand their place in the Kingdom of God, who favored nationalism and self-preservation over their calling in Christ to uphold justice for every human being (including the unborn) and their testimony of Jesus Christ as Lord and Ruler. They failed to embrace the cross of Jesus Christ. Let us learn from their unfaithfulness.
**Here is part of an interview in the National Post on the legalizing of Euthanasia in Quebec (‘We’re not expecting hordes of patients’: Quebec health minister on historic bill to legalize euthanasia, December 2nd, 2015).
Q: Is there something about Quebec’s culture or values that explain why?
A: The very reason is because of that. Many people outside Quebec do not realize how different the relationship between religion and people’s daily lives is here. Religion in Quebec is much less present. It doesn’t mean that the values are different, just that regarding this issue, we are not on the same page.
Q: So churches that oppose euthanasia do not have as much influence in Quebec as they might have outside Quebec?
A: Exactly. They do not have a lot of influence. What was surprising to me in the past, before I got into politics, was to go to a doctors’ meeting in Canada and hear from Canadian doctors how opposed they were (to euthanasia.) I’ve always felt that it was not in sync with reality. I’ve always felt that the general population outside Quebec was ready to address that, especially in Ontario, but doctors, especially in Ontario, were not ready to even open the debate. Clearly, I think today we can talk about the wind blowing from east to west.
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Cover of original edition 1995 |
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Cover of new edition 2001. I wonder if this cover was designed to be "less offensive" than the original cover? |
As Christians we need clarity regarding the kingdom of God and the commands of our King and how to act on those commands in daily life. We are Christians and need to act like Christians in attitude and action in public. We need clarity regarding the kingdom of this world and its limits and its God ordained sphere of influence, and how we as children of the King should respond to government when it tries to silence our testimony of Christ in exchange for the promise of security, prosperity and a comfortable lifestyle free of persecution.
Jesus must be King of our own hearts first in humility and purity and love and then boldly and openly as we live for him in this evil world. I leave you with a quote from "Hitler's Cross". "John Q. Citizen will never be convinced of the credibility of the Christian faith until he becomes personally acquainted with someone who lives out the Christian life, applying its values to every situation. The message of the cross will not be received unless it is wrapped in the life of an authentic believer."
Hitler came to power in a Christian nation of Christians that did not understand their place in the Kingdom of God, who favored nationalism and self-preservation over their calling in Christ to uphold justice for every human being (including the unborn) and their testimony of Jesus Christ as Lord and Ruler. They failed to embrace the cross of Jesus Christ. Let us learn from their unfaithfulness.
**Here is part of an interview in the National Post on the legalizing of Euthanasia in Quebec (‘We’re not expecting hordes of patients’: Quebec health minister on historic bill to legalize euthanasia, December 2nd, 2015).
Q: Is there something about Quebec’s culture or values that explain why?
A: The very reason is because of that. Many people outside Quebec do not realize how different the relationship between religion and people’s daily lives is here. Religion in Quebec is much less present. It doesn’t mean that the values are different, just that regarding this issue, we are not on the same page.
Q: So churches that oppose euthanasia do not have as much influence in Quebec as they might have outside Quebec?
A: Exactly. They do not have a lot of influence. What was surprising to me in the past, before I got into politics, was to go to a doctors’ meeting in Canada and hear from Canadian doctors how opposed they were (to euthanasia.) I’ve always felt that it was not in sync with reality. I’ve always felt that the general population outside Quebec was ready to address that, especially in Ontario, but doctors, especially in Ontario, were not ready to even open the debate. Clearly, I think today we can talk about the wind blowing from east to west.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
I was presented with the idea for this blog in a book I just finished reading, "Hitler's Cross" by Erwin Lutzer (Moody Press). More on the content of this book and its present day application in next week's blog.
Here is a quote from "Hitler's Cross", "Let us remember that God does not have to win in time in order to win in eternity". Satan often appears to be winning the battle for souls and worldviews on earth. Historically from our earthly perspective the church has suffered many failures and has even been destroyed where it once prospered. The church has experienced great times of success and revival but also many times of defeat and apostasy. But through all of these battles, God has never lost His Sovereign rule over Satan and mankind. What God has allowed has taken place and what God has ordained has taken place and God's Will will be fulfilled in the future. Ultimately God rules history.
However, God's Sovereign rule does not allow a fatalistic response on our part. We are called as Christians to spiritual battle, even unto death, in the name of Jesus. God holds His people responsible for the outcome of particular circumstances through prayer, and witness, and bold confession of Jesus as Lord. The results may not be successful from an earthly perspective but are a win for God and for us in eternity. Some outcomes may be changed for good and truth like Nineveh turning to God under the prophecy of Jonah. Our prayers and confession of Christ in this world do make a difference. But regardless of our confession or lack of confession, God wins for He is the Sovereign Lord over all creation. God invites us to participate in His Will. Our participation manifests the kingdom of God on earth. Our lack of participation does not prevent the ultimate manifestation of the kingdom of God on earth but impoverishes us and others spiritually and prevents us from glorifying God with our lives. God is always calling us to a deeper relationship with Him and a fuller service and knowing that God wins in the end is a great motivator.
I am very conscious in my relationship with others, whether I meet them once or regularly, that we will all one day consciously stand before God, remembering what was spoken between us, and my positive confession of Christ to them will weigh heavily in the presence of God. My present confession of Christ to unbelievers may be awkward and laughable and antiquated to those I speak with but knowing that God is Sovereign, God is the Judge of all men, and God's Will will be fulfilled helps me to speak with all seriousness lest I be the one embarrassed before the throne of the Sovereign ruler of all men. I speak and serve primarily because of His great Love for me and so my love for Him but knowing that God wins in the end, regardless of what the present circumstances seem to reflect, is an added motivator. May your love for God and your knowledge of God's Sovereign rule over all men spur you on this week to prayer, service and confession of Jesus Christ as Lord.
Here is a quote from "Hitler's Cross", "Let us remember that God does not have to win in time in order to win in eternity". Satan often appears to be winning the battle for souls and worldviews on earth. Historically from our earthly perspective the church has suffered many failures and has even been destroyed where it once prospered. The church has experienced great times of success and revival but also many times of defeat and apostasy. But through all of these battles, God has never lost His Sovereign rule over Satan and mankind. What God has allowed has taken place and what God has ordained has taken place and God's Will will be fulfilled in the future. Ultimately God rules history.
However, God's Sovereign rule does not allow a fatalistic response on our part. We are called as Christians to spiritual battle, even unto death, in the name of Jesus. God holds His people responsible for the outcome of particular circumstances through prayer, and witness, and bold confession of Jesus as Lord. The results may not be successful from an earthly perspective but are a win for God and for us in eternity. Some outcomes may be changed for good and truth like Nineveh turning to God under the prophecy of Jonah. Our prayers and confession of Christ in this world do make a difference. But regardless of our confession or lack of confession, God wins for He is the Sovereign Lord over all creation. God invites us to participate in His Will. Our participation manifests the kingdom of God on earth. Our lack of participation does not prevent the ultimate manifestation of the kingdom of God on earth but impoverishes us and others spiritually and prevents us from glorifying God with our lives. God is always calling us to a deeper relationship with Him and a fuller service and knowing that God wins in the end is a great motivator.
I am very conscious in my relationship with others, whether I meet them once or regularly, that we will all one day consciously stand before God, remembering what was spoken between us, and my positive confession of Christ to them will weigh heavily in the presence of God. My present confession of Christ to unbelievers may be awkward and laughable and antiquated to those I speak with but knowing that God is Sovereign, God is the Judge of all men, and God's Will will be fulfilled helps me to speak with all seriousness lest I be the one embarrassed before the throne of the Sovereign ruler of all men. I speak and serve primarily because of His great Love for me and so my love for Him but knowing that God wins in the end, regardless of what the present circumstances seem to reflect, is an added motivator. May your love for God and your knowledge of God's Sovereign rule over all men spur you on this week to prayer, service and confession of Jesus Christ as Lord.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Bringing 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada is a hot button issue. Some strongly oppose this decision while others strongly affirm it. Few are neutral and without opinion. There is a financial cost, a social cost, a labor cost, costs to our already over burdened healthcare system, and even the possibility of bringing in some terrorists. As Christians we realize that these Syrian refugees are in great need of help in housing, medical needs, education for their children, work, in need of a place to resettle and make a new home, so we reluctantly say, "OK, I guess we need to help them so let them come to Quebec and the USA". We really do not want to get personally involved. We do not want the Syrian refugee problem to be our problem and in our neighborhood. Today, I offer you a way to get involved without having to sacrifice too much.
"Since 2011 the Syrian Civil War has been responsible for displacing over 6.4 million Syrians, with almost 4 million fleeing to other countries. Among the almost million that have fled to Turkey were two young women, Marwa Syed Issa and Fatima. University educated, they volunteered for NGO and aid organizations and participated in the revolution before being forced to leave their homes. In Turkey, they were fortunate to find opportunities to support themselves, but hundreds of thousands of other women, many from rural areas with poor education were not.
They met and talked to many women living in horrible conditions. Many were afraid to go out on their own, many were harassed. One woman they met was living in a cramped apartment with 10 other families, something that is not uncommon. They talked to women who were later sold off as “brides”. Many lost spouses and children. Those who could find work were being severely underpaid in very terrible conditions. They and their children went hungry. Together Marwa and Fatima decided to do something to change the story of their fellow refugees.
Hekaia was started as a small project, with only $500. They started with hand-crafted goods because they are easy to teach, and can be worked on without the use of machinery. With 10 women, and a couple of hand crafted toy designs that could be made well and sold with enough profit to support them, they began the project. They started with workshops to teach women how to make specific designs and work on them on their own time. They provided the material for them, and paid them a living wage upon receipt of the finished products. Those women who participated poured their hearts into their work and the products they made were great.
Their early impact caught the attention of Watan and the Syrian Business Group, and with their help, Hekaia has expanded their program to support over 100 women today. What started with themselves and 2 volunteers has now grown to a small management team of 6. The products expanded from toys to men’s and women’s hand crafted clothing. Each woman has taken part not only in crafting the goods, but participating in the development of the organization, the products, and the process of getting them to market.
The women who are part of the Hekaia project not only get a living wage to support themselves, they are part of a community of women who support and strengthen each other. By working and providing for their families they feel more useful and have a sense of purpose and value. The simple fact that they can pay their own rent, and have their own space for their families is freeing. They gain their independence and day by day their lives get a bit better. The women and children who’ve needed trauma counselling support have been connected with other Watan programs providing direct aid.
Hekaia means story. Hekaia’s goal over the next 2 years is to continue to expand the program to change the story of over 500 women and their families. By shopping at Hekaia, you help them achieve that." [From the heika website. I have first hand verification for this work by someone who was with 5 of these woman last week. 60% of sales goes directly to the women and 40% toward costs and business development.]
On Monday I purchased a Red Henrietta the Hippo from the http://hekaia.com/en/ website. I paid more for this product than I might pay at WalMart or Giant Tiger, and the purchase was in US dollars so that increased the cost. I certainly did not get my money's worth but my purchase was worth every penny. My purchase was made as a gift to these Syrian women who are trying to help themselves and their families in a difficult situation. I will often tell the story of these women who made Henrietta the Hippo to the precious little girl who will get this toy this Christmas so that she might learn how precious her Canadian family and heritage are and that she needs to share that gift from God in the name of Jesus with others who are not so fortunate.
My purchase on the Heikaia website was easy. When you get to the payment page you can choose to not pay through PayPal and use your regular credit card so do not be put off by thinking you need to register for a PayPal account. Shipping is $7.00 and remember you are paying in US dollars.
I will likely never make decisions that will effect millions of people but I can serve Jesus in small ways and compounded with the small ways of others I can make a difference in this present evil world for some good. Buy something from these Syrian women and be a world changer.
"Since 2011 the Syrian Civil War has been responsible for displacing over 6.4 million Syrians, with almost 4 million fleeing to other countries. Among the almost million that have fled to Turkey were two young women, Marwa Syed Issa and Fatima. University educated, they volunteered for NGO and aid organizations and participated in the revolution before being forced to leave their homes. In Turkey, they were fortunate to find opportunities to support themselves, but hundreds of thousands of other women, many from rural areas with poor education were not.
They met and talked to many women living in horrible conditions. Many were afraid to go out on their own, many were harassed. One woman they met was living in a cramped apartment with 10 other families, something that is not uncommon. They talked to women who were later sold off as “brides”. Many lost spouses and children. Those who could find work were being severely underpaid in very terrible conditions. They and their children went hungry. Together Marwa and Fatima decided to do something to change the story of their fellow refugees.
Hekaia was started as a small project, with only $500. They started with hand-crafted goods because they are easy to teach, and can be worked on without the use of machinery. With 10 women, and a couple of hand crafted toy designs that could be made well and sold with enough profit to support them, they began the project. They started with workshops to teach women how to make specific designs and work on them on their own time. They provided the material for them, and paid them a living wage upon receipt of the finished products. Those women who participated poured their hearts into their work and the products they made were great.
Their early impact caught the attention of Watan and the Syrian Business Group, and with their help, Hekaia has expanded their program to support over 100 women today. What started with themselves and 2 volunteers has now grown to a small management team of 6. The products expanded from toys to men’s and women’s hand crafted clothing. Each woman has taken part not only in crafting the goods, but participating in the development of the organization, the products, and the process of getting them to market.
The women who are part of the Hekaia project not only get a living wage to support themselves, they are part of a community of women who support and strengthen each other. By working and providing for their families they feel more useful and have a sense of purpose and value. The simple fact that they can pay their own rent, and have their own space for their families is freeing. They gain their independence and day by day their lives get a bit better. The women and children who’ve needed trauma counselling support have been connected with other Watan programs providing direct aid.
Hekaia means story. Hekaia’s goal over the next 2 years is to continue to expand the program to change the story of over 500 women and their families. By shopping at Hekaia, you help them achieve that." [From the heika website. I have first hand verification for this work by someone who was with 5 of these woman last week. 60% of sales goes directly to the women and 40% toward costs and business development.]
On Monday I purchased a Red Henrietta the Hippo from the http://hekaia.com/en/ website. I paid more for this product than I might pay at WalMart or Giant Tiger, and the purchase was in US dollars so that increased the cost. I certainly did not get my money's worth but my purchase was worth every penny. My purchase was made as a gift to these Syrian women who are trying to help themselves and their families in a difficult situation. I will often tell the story of these women who made Henrietta the Hippo to the precious little girl who will get this toy this Christmas so that she might learn how precious her Canadian family and heritage are and that she needs to share that gift from God in the name of Jesus with others who are not so fortunate.
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Henrietta the Hippo |
I will likely never make decisions that will effect millions of people but I can serve Jesus in small ways and compounded with the small ways of others I can make a difference in this present evil world for some good. Buy something from these Syrian women and be a world changer.
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